To protect automobiles against cyberattacks, 90 Japanese companies have formed a consortium.

ByShehryar Makhdoom | Published date:

In Japan, ninety automotive and information technology businesses will join forces to form a consortium to defend automobiles against cyberattacks. This disclosure of technical facts will assist the vehicle's manufacturer root out weaknesses and prevent hijacking and data theft.

This collaboration includes Toyota and Nissan, along with Denso and Panasonic; IT businesses Microsoft Japan, NTT Communications, Trend Micro, and Sompo Japan Insurance; and software development company Foxconn International.

Effortless functioning is guaranteed by electronic controls in vehicles such as engines, motors, and brakes, all of which are centrally monitored and managed over the internet. Software security holes are being found by manufacturers every month, and any independent operator can uncover many of these. The group is interested in finding a solution for this problem by offering a weekly report on the software.

According to these estimates, automotive manufacturers spend approximately $1.8 million to $2.7 million each year outsourcing this research. It will free up small- and medium-sized manufacturing firms, enabling them to boost productivity and reliability.

To enhance vehicle security, UN Economic Commission for Europe recommendations mandate the installation of anti-theft devices. According to these recommendations, which the Japanese Ministry of Transport has just adopted, new-car sales in Japan must meet these requirements from July 2022.
