Glenn Beck, a television host in the United States, praises Prime Minister Imran Khan for his assistance with Afghan evacuations.

ByFaisal Chughtai | Published date:

Glenn Beck, a well-known US radio and television personality, commended Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan for his significant contribution to the safe evacuation of Afghans.

The CEO of Mercury Radio Arts, whose organisation has assisted with evacuations from the war-torn nation since the Taliban seized control, sent a series of tweets in which he hailed Khan as the only politician who responded to calls for aid. Furthermore, he thanked Prime Minister Imran Khan for his support for the cause and helped move people out of the war-torn nation, especially Afghan female athletes.

Glenn Beck, who was imprisoned in Mazra-i-Sharif during the Taliban takeover, commended Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, saying that no other global leader had taken the effort to evacuate captive Afghans.

He stated:

We reached out and asked numerous leaders and civil societies around the world for help and Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan responded with determination and without hesitation"

He further said that he would give additional details about the communication the next day.

Since the United States' withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pakistan has actively assisted with evacuation efforts.
