English footballer Micheal Owen will visit Pakistan for Uplifting PFL.

ByFaisal Chughtai | Published date:

Former English footballer Michael Owen has been appointed ambassador for the Pakistan Football Competition, which was recently announced as a franchise-based league. The former player also sent out a message to Pakistani fans through Twitter.

"Salam Pakistan! I'm absolutely delighted to announce that I'm the new Pakistan Football League (The PFL) Ambassador and I hope to be visiting Pakistan soon! Hope you all are ready! FOOTBALL HOGA!" He jotted down his thoughts.

According to the 41-year-old footballer, a franchise-based football league is a step in the right direction for the country's football development.

Professional football is about to begin in Pakistan, which is quite exciting. A country with a population of 220 million people will offer a lot to the future for a successful league and the national team.

"Pakistan's football potential is huge and I am excited about identifying untapped talent in a nation of 220 million. I am looking to cross-promote and develop football between UK and Pakistan through the first ever franchise model league — The PFL," According to the press release, Owen said.

I am ecstatic to be here, to be a part of the Pakistan Football League. I hope the audience is as excited as I am. I am a huge fan of cricket, and I see how much Pakistanis adore the game. There will, no doubt, be a large football fan population as well. I also know that the Premier League is huge in Pakistan, so there will be a lot of interest, he said.
