Facebook's Algorithms Encouraged Anti-Muslim Hate Speech.
ByFaisal Chughtai | Published date:
A fresh series of papers has been hacked from Facebook, this time putting light on the company's poor policies in combating hate speech. These records demonstrate that Facebook has been selective in its efforts to combat hate speech, disinformation, and provocative remarks directed against Muslims.
According to these papers, Facebook's workers have reservations about the company's motive and objectives.
The papers were released as part of a research project that began in March of this year and contains business memoranda dating back to 2019.
Internal docs from India demonstrate Facebook's difficulties in eliminating abusive material from its platform. Religious conflicts in India have a history of spilling over into social media and inciting violence.
According to the stolen information, Facebook has been aware of this problem for years, but digital experts and opponents believe the firm has failed to fix it.
This is particularly true when the governing Bharatiya Janata Party of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is engaged.
Furthermore, these records include a plethora of internal studies demonstrating that Facebook's own suggested features and algorithms exacerbated hate speech and disinformation towards Muslims.
This includes Facebook workers' reservations about how they handled the situation.
This research backs up internal papers disclosed by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, who said that the business prioritized profit above regulating hate speech and violent material.