European legislators are pushing for a standard charger for smartphones and tablets.

ByFaisal Chughtai | Published date:

(Image credit: Unsplash)

Legislators in Europe have suggested standardising a universal charger for consumer devices – cellphones and tablets – as a failsafe safeguard against performance problems and to combat electronic waste in the area.

Once implemented, lawmakers expect that Europe will rely on USB-C charging for the foreseeable future. They said:

"This will make it easier for consumers to see if their existing chargers meet the requirements of their new device or help them to select a compatible charger".

Furthermore, the plan would seek to standardise fast-charging standards for all phone manufacturers operating in the European Union.

Perhaps a broader goal of the proposed law is to reduce global e-waste disposal by reshaping the consumer electronics sector.

It is worth noting that discarded and unused chargers are projected to account for up to 11,000 tonnes of e-waste in the European Union each year.
