Google Pixel 3 phones have begun to die without warning.

ByFaisal Chughtai | Published date:

An increasing number of Google Pixel 3 phones are spontaneously bricking. These phones are dying prematurely, and the problem is becoming more prevalent, with an increasing number of users mentioning it on forums lately.

Worse, Google seems to have no remedy for this, and most of these devices are already out of warranty.

User reports are beginning to build up in several places, including Reddit, Google's problem tracker, and Google's support forums.

They're all reporting the same thing: their phones stopped functioning and were unresponsive. The phones are not booting onto the operating system and are instead locked in Qualcomm's recovery mode known as "Emergency Download (EDL) mode."

The usual methods for flashing a new version of Android are not functioning since these users are trapped on EDL and cannot access the regular bootloader.

In addition, some Google workers have requested auto-generated bug reports that gather diagnostic data about running processes in the forums. Users, however, are unable to submit them since they are unable to boot into Android.

Some think that the latest security upgrades are to fault, while others believe that a hardware problem is to blame. In any case, unless Google issues an official statement, none of us will know what's going on.
